Sunday, October 16, 2016

Stopping of spring!

"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming."
                                                                                       -- Pablo Neruda

I read this quote in one of the news paper today. There were two thoughts that followed

1. Today, the man has enough power to not just to cut all flower, but also to stop spring from coming! With our thoughtless acts, we have caused climate change. In my mother tongue, Malayalam, poet ("kavi") also takes the meaning "scholar". We are now beyond the traditional wisdom of scholars of past ;).

2. Well, we have stopped the spring. However, there are greater powers out there for whom our spring is nothing but a bunch of flowers. When those powers are set in action, spring will come no matter, how many flowers we pluck, probably even plucking us away in that cleansing process!

Well, lets hope that the poet is correct and that the spring will come one day. After all, change is the only constant in this universe and it will be foolish to think that our action are final! 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

War and Peace

Today I read War and Peace (യുദ്ധവും സമാധാനവും ) retold by K. Narayanan Namboothiri in Malayalam. This is a very abridged version having only 80 pages. At first it was not easy. There were many characters and names were not familiar. I had to make a deliberate attempt to remember the characters, their relations between each other and their importance in the story. As the story progressed, I was getting the feeling that story exists irrespective of characters and it is really the story of war and peace. The characters are there only to show the contrast between these two scenarios!

There were many stories of love, war, betrayal,poverty, sacrifice, pretentious imperial life, heroism, egos and of course of peace that were being interwoven. However, the love stories were the most used ones to show the contrast between war and peace. Especially the story of Natasha is very interesting. Before the war she is the girl friend of Boris. We then see her romancing Andrew and then Anatol. After her experiences makes her wiser, she is seen nursing Andrew beside his death bed during the tough times when the French had conquered Moscow. The death of Andrew is a great tool used by Tolstoy to tell us about the perils of war. This single death leaves behind a boy without a father whom he has not even seen much, a sister without brother and a (Natasha) an unmarried widow! At the end, she becomes the wife of Peary. See the transitions, the wounds caused by the war and the healing power of peace!

 Till the moment Andrew dies, the reader is tempted to think that he is the protagonist of the story. However, one can think in the same way about Peary or even Kutuzov!  But, the story really does not have a protagonist is what I feel. If there is any, that is the war! The experiences that come out of it are the real essence of the story. There are separations and re-unions, heroism and betrayals, hope and despair and much more.

There are other two aspects that have captured my attention. Tolstoy had tried to make things look brighter even when scenarios were of utter agony. He brought Nicolas, Mary and Natasha together to the bed side of Andrew before his death. Tolstoy has been very kind to his readers! The other aspect is perhaps an issue with translation. I noticed that many sentences do not have a subject. I am not sure if this is the case in original book. But, this causes a lot of confusion and I think it could have been avoided.

Nevertheless once you start reading the story, you cannot put it down till you read the last line. I am not sure if I will have enough patience to read the 1000+ pages of original. But. I will give it a try whenever possible.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

ആര്‍ക്കും വേണ്ടാത്ത വയലാറും ആരോരുമില്ലാത്ത കുമാരനാശാനും

ഇന്ന് ഞാന്‍ രണ്ടു ടോര്‍രന്റുകള്‍ ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് ചെയാന്‍ ഇട്ടു. ഒന്ന് വയലാറിന്റെ കവിതകളും മറ്റൊന്ന് കുമാരനാശാന്റെ കവിതകളും. ആദ്യത്തേത് അധികം താമസ്സമില്ലാതെ വന്നു. എങ്കിലും വന്നതിനു ശേഷം അതിന്നു അവിശ്യ്ക്കാര്‍ ആരും തന്നെ ഇല്ല്യ! രണ്ടാമ്മത്തെ ടോരന്റിനകട്ടെ, ഒറ്റ സീട്‌പോലും ഇല്ല്യ!  അതേ സമയം, ഇവയ്ക് ഒപ്പം ഡൌണ്‍ലോഡ് ചെയാനിട്ട മലയാളം സിനിമകള്‍ക്കെല്ലാം എന്തൊരു ഡിമാന്റ. പറയാതിരിക്കാന്‍ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല്യ, "ആര്‍ക്കും വേണ്ടാത്ത വയലാറും ആരോരുമില്ലാത്ത കുമാരനാശാനും"


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Balyakala Sakhi

I read this book when I had gone home for this Vishu. A nice book indeed. As told in the preface, let us not bother about whether the author was that pessimistic about life. Instead, accept that this is one of the routes that life may take. Well, it is not enough to have writers who always writes about flowery and fragrant side of the life. Because, life is not always full of flowers and rainbows. It has its own clouds and thorns. Alas, it is these clouds which cause a rainbow. May be, the rainbow was missing here. But, it will surely help those who are only familiar with rainbow to enjoy it better by looking at the clouds for a while.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

What I read yesterday

There was an article in Hindu about augmented reality. I read it from here:

It was a nice article. Anyone could have done it using a camera, projector and some central controlling unit. The achievement, I believe is that he did it and that he did it in a way that it is just merged into you.

The other stuff that I was reading was on wireless technologies. The main take away was that difference between wifi and wimax.

WIFI: Is a class of 802.11 based devices
WIMAX: Worldwide Interoperability for Micro-wave A(X)ccess (Based on 802.16)

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Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Well, I have been trying to find a book that will help me started again with my reading habit. However, I could not find any book where I stay currently. Wait, there is one. Srimad Bhagavad Gita!

Before I start, allow me to pray for the blessings of god Ganesha and Goddess Saraswati as done usually before such attempts. I request everyone to forgive me for any mistakes that I might make in this series of posts and point out the same to me.

Here we go! Gita is a part of Mahabharata. It has 700 verses in 18 chapters. It was spoken by Lord Krishna to Arjuna at the time of Kurukshetra war. Arjuna, who arrives at the scene of war looks around and finds that he needs to fight with his own relatives, friends and teachers to win this war. He then finds it difficult to justify killing his own people for the sake of attaining worldly pleasure.

Krishna then enlightens Arjuna and tells him that why this war need to be fought. This is a war not between friends or relatives, but between sin and virtue. Many Arjunas have fought this in past and many more will fight this in future. It is your duty. Do not run away from that. Because, if you do not do it today, tomorrow you will be forced to do it for sure. Somehow, if you restrain from doing it, you can't even save yourself.

The first chapter starts with the words of Dhritarashtra. He is the father of Kauravas (the villains of Mahabharata). He being a blind man, the great sage Vyasa had given special abilities for one of his close servant, Sanjaya to see the war and report to him from the palace itself. We see the entire Bharatha war through the eyes of Sanjaya.

When it was the time for the war to begin, Dhritarashtra asked Sanjaya...

"Oh Sanjaya, what did my war hungry sons and the sons of Pandu do after assembling at the sacred land of Kurukshetra?"

The above is the first versa of Gita. That is the only place we will hear Dhritarashtra in Gita. As an answer to this question, Sanjaya starts narrating the incidents at battle field. More on it in the next post.

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Samsung UltraTouch s8300 review

Well, being in Samsung was not just the reason for reading it. I do have a Samsung phone myself. Recently I was looking at a few high end phones for my sister. I had seen Samsung star and Samsung star 3G. However, they somehow resembled me of brand China.

This one looked much better. The review was not biased. It had listed both pluses and minuses of the phone. However, there was no video. Technically these are my takeaways from this review.

1. AMOLED is the technology used here. AMOLED is "Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode". This is a technology which allows to create displays even up to 40" in size which are less power hungry. In the process I also learned TFT =/= LCD

2. Bluetooth printing etc are fancy features not just in India, even abroad

3. While buying a camera phone, look for its performance under different light conditions

4. A good portable media player should allow playing videos in full screen in landscape mode

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