Sunday, May 6, 2007

Scattered pages

My mother always used to ask me to keep a record of what I am reading. She felt it will be useful one day or the other. I never did that and I feel guilty when I look back today. This blog is an attempt to log what I read.

I won't call myself a serious reader. I mainly read books in Malayalam & some from English. In Malayalam, my favourite author is M. T. Vasudevan Nair. I have read most of his books. I don't have any such favourites in English. But recently I have been reading a lot of Paulo Coelho (English translations). I also read a lot of science fiction and I really love the works of Asimov. On the technical side, I am more interested in stuff related to computers, operating systems & Linux.

Currently I am reading "Veronica decides to die" & recently I finished reading "The devil & Miss Prym". I will soon start by posting the list of some interesting books that I have read in past and then I will continue by adding notes on what I am reading now. Do keep watching this space.

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